@jgarzik If Starship Troopers taught us anything, it’s that women can fight and die just as well as men.
Mo’ UTXOs, mo’ problems.
@cipheranthem @adam3us @kristovatlas Point being, I think we’d all benefit from a well defined min spec, but gaining consensus will be hard.
@cipheranthem @adam3us @kristovatlas I’m not making an argument, I’m stating my observations of forum discussions.
@kristovatlas @adam3us Even drawing a line proves to be contentious. Some people believe full nodes should be able to run on phones.
@adam3us I’m not so sure that a min spec should be weighted by current network participants, but rather by all potential participants…
@adam3us @gavinandresen Are you saying that the min spec to run a node should target the 20th percentile of global residential bandwidth?