The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

September 10th, 2015

@BBoingo @jonmatonis @adam3us @Joi @qntra @techreview This is exactly the level of discussion I expected.

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@bergalex @alansilbert @kristovatlas heh, that post is exactly why I posted these tweets

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@alansilbert @bergalex @kristovatlas Security inherent to a trustless ledger is valuable, but it’s incredibly difficult to “sell” security.

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@alansilbert @kristovatlas Bitseed does have some nice automatic recovery logic, but requires using twice as much disk space.

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I’m pleased to report that @BitGo users have been completely unaffected by the stress test. 100K+ txs in mempool.

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@jm111t Note that I am referring to laymen, not people who are deep into cryptocurrency.

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@kristovatlas Slightly. I think bigger burden is convincing people of value proposition and of installing a node on an always-on machine.

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@kristovatlas I myself use the node monitoring service offered by @port8333

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@kristovatlas Any Linux guru can set up an Upstart or Monit daemon ;-)

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Helping people see value proposition of trustlessness is a matter of education. Making it easier to sysadmin nodes is a technical challenge.

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Even if it was “free” to run a Bitcoin node, most wouldn’t b/c
A) They don’t see the value proposition
B) They don’t want to be a sysadmin

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@Kosmatos I suspect you’re overlooking the many hours you spent climbing the Bitcoin learning curve.

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The greatest cost of running a Bitcoin node is not bandwidth, disk space, or CPU cycles. It’s the time required to learn, run, & maintain.

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@bitstein @pierre_rochard @qntra @jonmatonis @adam3us Opinionated journalism is fine. Ad hominem attacks and false information is not.

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@anarcholiberty @jonmatonis @adam3us @Joi @techreview @qntra is hateful inaccurate propaganda; their useful points are overshadowed by it.

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@jonmatonis @adam3us @Joi Are you seriously suggesting that @qntra even deserves to have its existence acknowledged by @techreview?

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@twobitidiot For all we know, they’re scooping up the coins themselves and releasing the private keys for plausible deniability.

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@cypherdoc2 Nodes won’t relay double spend transactions

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@cypherdoc2 Users are scooping up the private keys released by CoinWallet to their addresses full of dust & consolidating the outputs.

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On the downside, blocks are going to be full for the forseeable future. On the upside, watch the UTXO set shrink:

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