@BitcoinHelpDesk @oleganza @pwuille @qntra @adam3us I wouldn’t mind that at all, I just don’t know if it’s legally feasible.
@BitcoinHelpDesk @oleganza @pwuille @qntra My understanding is that if MP was serious, he could post a substantial bounty.
@BitcoinHelpDesk @oleganza @pwuille @qntra I don’t think a $400 bounty is much to be worried about. Sounds like more posturing to me.
@BitcoinHelpDesk @oleganza @pwuille I’m sure @qntra can pass the message along. I’m fine ignoring the rhetoric, but will not ignore violence
@BitcoinHelpDesk @oleganza @qntra Only 1 BTC? What an insult. Inform MP that if anything happens to @pwuille, I will hold him responsible.
@JVWVU1 @alansilbert Impossible to know since there are so many variables involved, but almost definitely less than 3600 * EXCHANGE_RATE :-)

That hockey stick. Incoming exahash era! pic.twitter.com/QUxr1XVvUW
@alansilbert plus or minus a bit; hash rates are estimates. https://t.co/moVrzOxYOE
@BitcoinMagazine @giulioprisco Open Source Closed Blockchain
RT @el33th4xor: How to Spot Satoshi: https://t.co/BVR0V8ieTt
Brace yourselves, @Dashpay & @Bytecoin_BCN & @monerocurrency fanboys…
Zcash is coming.
Karma dictates that reporters who attempt to dox Satoshi Nakamoto have earned the egg on their face. https://t.co/auhzQFo4tr
@badslinky Here’s the presentation: https://t.co/n0bzvQpg20
@badslinky Yes, it was in reference to a bug they found while developing libsecp256k1
I thought the bitcoin-dev mailing list was moderated now… https://t.co/Ok6mWn6lwB https://t.co/SQr2GE5mxq

coindesk BREAKING: North Carolina Exempts Select Bitcoin Businesses from Regulation coinde.sk/1NHvbdh pic.twitter.com/qmAGvD2FEU