@Steven_McKie I don’t know why we still use analog signatures - I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a signature being used to prevent fraud.
@markhughes Which is why Bitcoin needs layer 2 scaling solutions. No need to store a coffee purchase on an immutable ledger for all time.
@shannonNullCode Correct, also using assumption of 20,000 total nodes.
@kristovatlas Yeah, I usually write “ASK FOR ID” instead of signing. I requested to show my ID instead but they said no, I had to sign it…
I tried to buy a shirt but my credit card wasn’t signed, so the merchant refused it. I signed it in front of them & they accepted. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If cost of distributed disk is $10 / TB / month, global cost to store a BTC txn for 100 years is < $0.10 & dropping. bookkt.com/?p=41
@colbydillion Relayed blocks would be interesting. You can get bytes sent via “bitcoin-cli getnettotals” though it includes non-relay data.
@shannonNullCode I wonder most about the disk space. How much is 8 MB of distributed disk space for all time worth?
@colbydillion Re: major hubs - the default max connections in Bitcoin Core is 120. I’ve tried increasing it but over 500 performance suffers
@colbydillion Hard to say but probably a small minority. There are only 5,000 nodes that accept incoming connections - we think most don’t.
@pmarca The idea that Satoshi Nakamoto would speak publicly at a Bitcoin conference is ridiculous - he has far too much to lose by doing so.
With 20,000 nodes, the average bitcoin transaction globally uses about:
19 MB network bandwidth
8 MB disk space
1 sec CPU time
@ryanxcharles @ErikVoorhees @BambouClub Let’s be sure to ask all reporters who gleefully wrote about it being the worst to post an update.
SOLD! Every motorcycle rider should use a black box video recording system. I’ve had helmet mounted cams for years. https://t.co/SETa8FevJD
RT @ncpolicelogs: NC Representative @CecilBrockman thinks that it’s silly for him to be treated like the rest of us. https://t.co/HbOVxw4Biw

.@BitGo holiday party! #simplebooth pic.twitter.com/jDWHZRH74Y