The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

October 22nd, 2016

@ARKblockchain @TuurDemeester To hold real BTC it’s a bit complicated; involves creating an LLC for a self directed IRA.

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@DoctorLex @TuurDemeester I trade $GBTC from a Fidelity 401K and I trade BTC from a self directed IRA.

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@TuurDemeester Pro-tip: trade inside tax advantaged retirement accounts :-)

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@Snyke Are there other implementations already? If so, can you link?

via Twitter for Android in reply to Snyke

@TuurDemeester Just me or is Bitfinex dragging the market upward? Is it due to thin order books?

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A well-connected Bitcoin node (~120 peers) relays each transaction it receives to an average of 3 other peers.…

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Average Bitcoin block propagation time over past year. Was expecting greater improvement since 30% of nodes now sup…

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@bergealex4 @btcdrak 1 Tbps attacking your node: you’re toast.
1 Tbps spread out attacking tens of thousands of nodes: network stays up.

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@agraham999 It’s possible to DoS a few nodes, but extremely difficult to DoS the tens of thousands of nodes that comprise the network.

via Twitter for Android in reply to agraham999