@mikestable I had that happen once with live shrimp
Listen to these people and your life will improve: @julien @neiltyson @rands @Oatmeal @thesulk @Bitterjojo @thebestmonkey
Never refrain from speaking your mind due to fear of offending the recipient. But, as a recipient, never take anything personally.
@knucklesandwich test takes 18 years to complete; blocking on my social connections would cause timeouts.
@knucklesandwich true dat
ncpolicelogs A Burlington Church worships too loudly, “sound like they’re getting their arms ripped off.” http://t.co/bnrAd0hL
@knucklesandwich what did YOUR parents do with you? Mine would talk to me about the things we saw & play interactive stimulating games.
Your kids should not be staring at a screen while you drive them around. They need to look out the damn window and learn about the world.
@seanmcnichol amica; I just have the minimum liability… it’s something like $10 a month. The trick is not to have a lien on the bike.