@jefft don’t you use gmail’s web interface?
I have a feeling I’m the last person left who only reads emails in plain text format.
DEVOPS_BORAT If you have Big Data process is involve grep, you are do it wrong.
The correct answer if asked “what is your greatest weakness” in a job interview is to walk out without looking back.
@thegourmez quite confusing for my GPS. “You’re driving through a forest OMGWTFBBQ!”
Apparently @ncquickpass is so eager to charge people for using the new Triangle Expressway that they sent me a bill for $0.00. ಠ_à²
@hoorayimhelping Nice potato.
@pmccall777 @jeremy_degroot @ameir They don’t; stop making cross-universe comparisons!
@Jeremy_DeGroot @ameir Compared to an Enterprise class ship. Also, ships in Star Wars most definitely have shields. http://t.co/RUsR6F28
@ameir The Bird of Prey is a junk heap - the only thing it has going for it is cloaking.