ElevatorQueen Y’all the only explanation I have for a malfunctioning ride is that it was manufactured in South Carolina.
“I am not Dread Pirate Roberts” he said. “My name is Ross; I inherited Silk Road from the previous DPR, just as you will inherit it from me”
DreadPirateSR silkroad6ownowfk.onion - #SilkRoad has lift-off.
@pmccall777 @jefft Oops. https://t.co/JJQAnE8rvQ
@flyosity Or pick an aisle seat?
@jefft That would be much riskier with a much lower potential upside.
To the moon!!! ┗(°0#BitcoinB#ATHi#UnchartedTerritoryrpic.twitter.com/qgMIT72MvxIT72Mvx
@pmccall777 @pig_poetry So… 1% of bicyclist crashes involved car doors. And they think we needed this law. ID10T ERROR