The stock market is addicted to Quantitative Easing and withdrawal is going to be a bitch.
Looks like @coin isn’t going to work for @mikestable because it can only store 8 credit cards at a time. TROLOLOL
@rands Looks cool, but it’s no Bitcoin.
@ChrisPacia Nah, they are free to continue on this endeavor. Just as @DataTranslator @xH2Os @asliceofmellon are free to go fuck themselves.
@ameir Naw son, that’s a much flatter gradient
@jgarzik 1 mBTC says that it gets worse before it gets better. Much worse.
gyft It’s here! We are beyond excited to announce Gyft points! 3% back on purchases for our #Bitcoin users!
aantonop #bitcoin #ItsTheProtocolStupid “Currency” is just the first app.
@KimDotcom Um, you think European governments aren’t spying as well? Don’t make me laugh.
3+ acres of land for sale in Wake County, NC for Bitcoin.
@ericlitman @allthingshadoop Seriously, you’re calling yourselves @coin? I’m guessing you don’t support Bitcoin.