The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

August 25th, 2015

BitGo BitGo responds to customer demands by supporting increased block sizes.

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 8:10 PM, Aug 25th, 2015 via Twitter for Android)

/r/Bitcoin moderators have implemented CSS to conceal their censorship and completely alter the meaning of comments.

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RT @DanSpuller: NC Bitcoin Enthusiasts Rally for Better Cryptocurrency Legislation | @ExitEvent @rcsherwo @Bill_Warn…

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@mikestable I don’t think that’s what pugs were designed for. RTFM!

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@Satoshi_N_ Last I checked, @ButtCoin doesn’t even /have/ an exchange rate. Come back when you create something valuable.

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@pierebel It’s unlikely because the median of miner votes would have to be to double the hard cap every 3 months.

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“Multisig on steroids using tree signatures” via @pwuille

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@pierebel Updating p2p code won’t cause a hard fork, though not updating your node would cause you to reject blocks > 32 MB.

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@pierebel I believe further modifications would be required; BIP101 would give us 4 years to make the mods & test them.

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BIP101: miners create fee market by setting individual soft caps and competing against other miners as hard cap grows to 8GB by 2036.

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BIP100: miners create fee market by voting on adjustable system-wide hard cap that maxes out at 32MB. Unlikely, but could reach 32MB in 1yr.

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@01101O10 is back and better than ever. Don’t forget; good luck taking them all down.

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