Looks like the XT node count surge is a Pseudonode operation: https://t.co/VJCBA7uKqZ
@zmanian It’s suspicious to say the least.
/Bitcoin XT:0.11.0/ is now the second most popular Bitcoin node useragent after today’s surge. getaddr.bitnodes.io/nodes/
RT @maddenw: Let’s merge BIP101 into core. https://t.co/ImnXhNZXIg
@NickSzabo4 Looks like your site is down szabo.best.vwh.net

@mikestable Oh snap, it’s reproducing! pic.twitter.com/W8yZ6AgL1K
@digitsu @ziggamon @Tone_LLT Right, it has great properties for a safe store of possibly valuable records, but protocol is value agnostic.
@ziggamon @Tone_LLT @digitsu I’d go so far as saying Bitcoin aims to provide a store of ownership records, but the value is all market-based
@ziggamon @Tone_LLT @digitsu Sure, safety from arbitrary govt devaluation is good, but does not in and of itself make a store of value.