Trailing year of Bitcoin unspent transaction output set growth.
@MrHodl @el33th4xor @paul_okeeffe Correct. It has the potential to become one, but is not currently.
@paul_okeeffe @el33th4xor I don’t get ‘future hard fork’ logic. If I change Statoshi to hard fork in 100 years, is it suddenly an alt-coin?
@jony_levin @el33th4xor Certainly; there is a first mover disadvantage for entities to choose the new side of a hard fork.
@jony_levin @el33th4xor I’ve seen a proposal for user “voting” by locking coins, but not much support for the proposal itself.
@jony_levin @el33th4xor Hashrate just happens to be the best available indicator of social consensus that the system itself can check.
@JordanTuwiner Yep, social pressure quickly leads to economic pressure in a monetary system.
@el33th4xor It all stems from the hard fork detractors in positions of power claiming that XT is already an alt-coin.
@MyceliumCom FYI I think your testnet servers may be down or stuck - not getting confirmation updates.