@enjoybitcoins Sorry to hear that; you’re welcome to join us on /r/bitcoinxt
enjoybitcoins @lopp We got banned today. Haven’t broke a rule, and bust our ass to promote Bitcoin. Too bad.
@kristovatlas He’s protecting us from our wrong ideas.
“If 90% of /r/Bitcoin users find these policies to be intolerable, then I want these 90% of /r/Bitcoin users to leave.” Theymos
The banhammer is now out in full force on /r/bitcoin - /r/bitcoinxt subscribers have doubled in past 24 hours. https://t.co/92iS0hIrCr
@1cyrilblanc1 Sure, though professional developers judge each proposal by its merits, not by the history of the person making it.
@1cyrilblanc1 *shrugs* the cost is the effort of convincing everyone of the merit of your proposal and, if successful, the risk of forking.
@1cyrilblanc1 @MrHodl That’s up to each individual. As for myself, I’ll continue my work as a Bitcoin software engineer. Status quo.
How to build & run BitcoinXT on:
@BitseedOrg Bitseed: https://t.co/Gzaz7BxM7Y
@port8333 Bitnode: https://t.co/Sm3qRiXien
@MrHodl Whatever you want. I run a fork of Bitcoin Core I call “Statoshi.” But guess what - it’s actually Bitcoin!
@MrHodl Altcoins are, by definition, incompatible with each other. Core and XT are not altcoins of each other until they are incompatible.

@gavinandresen @desantis I’m with you! pic.twitter.com/xZdAL7xTr8
@LaurentMT I don’t, though I’d certainly encourage @gavinandresen and @OctSkyward to attend!
Bitcoin protocol is a contract that is perpetually up for renegotiation. Don’t want to renegotiate? If you like your chain, you can keep it.
@kristovatlas I think “leader of Bitcoin development” is an oxymoron. You can lead dev of a codebase, but not of the protocol itself.
@hoofnagle @mattblaze Thankfully @soylent addressed this a while ago https://t.co/TAqa4fGIxT
@pierre_rochard @jonmatonis I’m not in full consensus with Mike Hearn’s ideology, but I don’t need to be. I only care about the code.
@jonmatonis It’s certainly not ideal, but because it can be done we should expect that people will try to do it. Voice versus exit.
Recent events are proof that Bitcoin Core developers do not hold a monopoly upon proposing protocol changes to the ecosystem.
Bitcoin developers don’t get to dictate the future of the protocol. They suggest changes to the ecosystem of miners, merchants, & users.
@1cyrilblanc1 @jgarzik Good thing Bitcoin isn’t a democracy.
jgarzik Based on public statements and/or in-coinbase BIP 100 miner voting, over 80% of #bitcoin hashpower supports blocks larger than 1MB.
@rubensayshi Even if miners adopt an 8MB limit, I expect that the actual block size change will be incremental.