/r/bitcoinxt has grown 50X this week; as your faithful mod I hereby swear to leave you the hell alone. https://t.co/qnKZtXXPIn
@flyosity California has a very different definition of “dangerous” than the rest of the world. https://t.co/OA3kjx5SdA
@shannonNullCode Welp, we should hang out!

This is how you know you’re on an /r/bitcoin fork debate thread. pic.twitter.com/cXgDxqekBR
Deputy US Marshal: “in 100 years my digitized consciousness will be keeping @lopp’s digitized consciousness in check.” I’m on the list now.
jgarzik By my subjective estimation, overwhelming majority of #bitcoin miners, businesses and users want a block size (..tps) increase.
@flyosity Larger blocks != scalability, but scalability proposals can’t work without larger blocks. https://t.co/iOPMVgkLJX
May the best fork win. The free market shall prevail either way.
“Why is Bitcoin forking?” by @OctSkyward https://t.co/OygkSfSBSw
@mac_devine M/R would be too heavy if reindexing blockchain constantly, but for indexing it once every few weeks or months, would be great.
NetkiCorp “Use TESTNET!!!!” @lopp #cryptolina #bitcoin
NetkiCorp “Users are not used to 2FA & strong passwords. They don’t RTFM” @lopp #cryptolina #bitcoin So true, so very true!!
Financial regulators boxing in Bitcoin as a currency & not considering apps like @storjproject is like forcing financial regs on @Dropbox

“All we’re asking for as Bitcoin entrepreneurs is a level [regulatory] playing field.” @martindale @Cryptolina pic.twitter.com/0yCOqot7Ck