@Satoshi_N_ @PerianneDC I thought this was a @playatodd post at first.
BIP101 miner voting dashboard: https://t.co/C0DrIZ8BQ0
@btcdrak @NickSzabo4 It was @gavinandresen who dumped all his coins on @bitfinex? Legendary!
@el33th4xor GAWSOME!
@a_ferron @slush_pool @OctSkyward My own data only goes back two months, shows an average block size of 528KB https://t.co/djEbrM4xx0
@a_ferron @slush_pool @OctSkyward You’re making an argument off of one data point? https://t.co/k8TEgA5coB
It appears we have the first mined block with XT support via @slush_pool
Version: 536870919(10) = 0x20000007 (hex)
@rubensayshi Fee markets are good b/c confirming & storing txs has real-world costs. But no need to artificially constrain market.
Bring it on, CoinWallet. @BitGo is ready and waiting. http://t.co/lp9XiraN4p
@Datavetaren @jonmatonis @adam3us @fredwilson @cdixon LN and big blocks is not an either/or situation - we need both.
@Conspirosphere @cypherdoc2 Good news; your bitcoins will remain untouched. https://t.co/yEpi8bBs1N
@notbitcoinxt @adam3us There is no certainty of adoption at the protocol level; it must first be determined in meatspace.
@notbitcoinxt @adam3us Well then, since the conclusion is already foregone, we can all go back to normal!
@Conspirosphere @cypherdoc2 Um, do you believe in liberty or do you believe in treason?
@adam3us Large miners who do so are only increasing the risk of a fork; they do so at their own peril.
@adam3us Unlike running pseudonodes, miners who pretend to support XT-compatible large blocks but then reject them will be identifiable.
Bitcointalk & /r/bitcoin dictator-for-life Theymos apparently even considers BIP101 support to be “alt-coin support.” pic.twitter.com/xdtqt5UZAU
BitseedOrg Now available due to popular demand: Bitseed Bitcoin XT Edition bitseed.org/product/xt/ #bitcoin #BitcoinXT pic.twitter.com/pyrfVMnf3N
At last! An initiative to prioritize improving Bitcoin’s privacy: https://t.co/DjsTD5dwNa /cc @obpp_org