The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

August 4th, 2015

@kristovatlas @facebook I’m guessing the latter because it even shows up in their help docs

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Must be one of those up-and-coming mobile carriers, eh @facebook?

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RT @maraoz: Just managed to “spend” block reward from block 1000 - confirming it’s a problem with bc.i pushtx API

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@acityinohio Interestingly enough, Satoshi never PGP signed any messages as far as we can tell. Seems to be a myth.

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@rogerkver Small block proponents will argue the bottleneck is bandwidth rather than storage. Though I just increased mine 10X for $10/mo…

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Pleasantly surprised to see that the @projectfi #Nexus6 has full disk encryption enabled by default. Dismayed to see

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Android’s “Tap & Go” NFC+Bluetooth feature has made this phone upgrade the most seamless I’ve experienced. @projectfi

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Second annual @Cryptolina Bitcoin expo to be held in Charlotte, North Carolina on August 14-15 #clt #cryptolina

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