@fredzannarbor It’s all a race, but none of them would be able to compete with having the info pre-tweet.
Trump insiders could make a killing by shorting stocks of companies they know he’s going to tweet negatively about.… https://t.co/cmOAkbJJ82
@theonevortex @Tone_LLT SMS 2FA for irreversible payments is a no-no, though @amazon only stores reversible payments - not as risky
@theonevortex @amazon You can use TOTP as your primary but yeah, I don’t see a way to disable the SMS as a backup. Still, SMS 2FA > no 2FA.
@EFF Please be even more discouraging of SMS for 2FA due to rise in phone number porting attacks. https://t.co/Rec0xW2a4m
2FA /all/ your accounts, even @amazon. Settings are here: https://t.co/VlnX7UFCp2 https://t.co/Cbh6nXUK0e
@TradeBlock Please update your mining pool ID logic to match @blocktrail & @blockchain’s kgr8thxbai
@mikeinspace It is a personal decision, but I’d rather not give any attacker the satisfaction of winning.
ReutersBiz MORE: SWIFT executive says about one in five attempted hacks on customers resulted in theft of money
@mikeinspace Correct; you can’t know that handing over your money will save your life. Better to ensure that your family gets to keep it.
High net worth bitcoin owners should secure coins against “wrench attacks” by removing unilateral control over them… https://t.co/GkDhA5YQDP
@guruvan Don’t worry, the Earth will win any war against humans :-)
@Itnom I think we’re talking about very different types of “war” ;-)
@alansilbert If only @twitter could charge MSM royalties for every tweet they reference…
Potential upside to running America like a business: it’s almost always more profitable for businesses to engage in trade rather than war.
Trump will run America like a business - HIS business. Don’t be shocked if he earns more $ off office of POTUS than all Presidents combined.
WIRED 7,500 faceless coders paid in Bitcoin built a hedge fund’s brain: bit.ly/2hEammj
aantonop Peter Schiff: Currency war is diff … in that the nation that succeeds in inflicting the most damage on its own citizens wins the war.