@idgorilla It could be, though I don’t think we’ll really know for many years.
@mriou @fluffyponyza @30somethingSTL What stat package can I point at any public repo and easily generate annual reports?
@balajis Confirmed; we seem to have passed peak Bitcoin obituaries: https://t.co/bL2m2HM34h
@kristovatlas I want to use it but IDK if it’s wise to run shell scripts written by a guy who gives presentations about underhanded code…
A downtrend in Bitcoin blocks that didn’t utilize their maximum capacity continued throughout 2016.… https://t.co/wqFbG6MLFS
@khannib It would be really cool if you could build a dynamically updated version of @pwuille’s UTXO value chart: bitcoin.sipa.be/utxo_size.png
New UTXO stats dashboards by @khannib just went live at https://t.co/Y5GGtF6Vz0 https://t.co/Wo4KNkgf2G
@Freemanix I think it’s pretty tiny, only a few percent.
Looks like @coluplatform and @BlockstackOrg created the most OP_RETURN bitcoin transactions in 2016.… https://t.co/NZ9MfeRTAd
.@wisemoe OP_RETURN enables developers to anchor into bitcoin’s blockchain; it enables a variety of services. https://t.co/r7M1WfvEXK
Bitcoin OP_RETURN outputs created in:
2014: 13,000
2015: 655,000
2016: 1,040,000
@l0sh11 @rm0rf Yeah, turns out all the github stats only look at whatever a repo’s default master branch activity was.
.@BitGo has lofty goals for 2017 - we need more minds! Join me in helping users secure their crypto assets: bitgo.workable.com
@fluffyponyza @30somethingSTL I struggled for a while trying to find better tools for pulling annual github stats. Gave up.
@30somethingSTL Upon closer inspection it looks like there is more dev activity than that, but not in litecoin’s default github branch.
2016 commits & merges:
Bitcoin Core: 2466
Monero: 1609
Ethereum (Go): 1046
Bitcoin Unlimited: 608
Bitcoin Classic: 424
Dash: 35
Litecoin: 13