“Bitcoin is going to be the Switzerland [of the currency wars] even when Switzerland is no longer the Switzerland.” - @aantonop
Zhou is considering buying gold or bitcoin, which he can buy in China and sell for foreign currencies overseas. https://t.co/1Y0tpWSCYC
@twobitidiot Hmmm then does The DAO count as $160M, $0, or $100M ($ETC market cap)?
Blockchain industry venture capital funding:
2012: $2.13M
2013: $95.05M
2014: $361.53M
2015: $490.48M
2016: $393.00M
Current @SlackHQ membership:
@AugurProject: 1403
#Bitcoin Core: 2331
#Bitcoin Classic: 1904
@21: 3631
@openbazaar: 3532
@storjproject: 5169
@TuurDemeester All @BitGo wallets are 2 out of 3; we think it’s the most flexible model. https://t.co/8ojGNiBxrF
Reminder: @BitGo supports cold storage wallets with user keys kept offline and txns signed on airgapped machines. https://t.co/ICioIX9o3f
@fredzannarbor That blockchains won’t go mainstream with end users, but that they don’t have to in order to gain adoption as infrastructure.
After crunching the numbers it’s clear that 2017 will be the year of the blockchain desktop.
The countries with the most relative interest in searching for Bitcoin in 2016 g.co/trends/DqjqQ pic.twitter.com/9ip2KIWMrd
An exodus of activity out of the bitcoin-dev IRC room and into the bitcoin-core-dev IRC room occurred in 2016. pic.twitter.com/vsWJTKAO2C
Activity on the Bitcoin Development mailing list remained low in 2016 compared to the surge of block size debate th… https://t.co/Lvjxo2s0Y5