RT @LaurentMT: @el33th4xor @motherboard Energy put in computation of PoW associated to a block secures the txs embedded in the block + ALL…
@twobitidiot I don’t think the whole community can fit into a room 😉
@brianchoffman Amazing production quality!
bendavenport We have seen zero requests from BitGo customers to run BU. This was not the case for Bitcoin Classic.
@SatoshiLite @bendavenport @morcosa @olivierjanss My conclusion: https://t.co/qbz7u5fFwv https://t.co/R0EX0pbktC
lopp When you run a specific version of full node software you aren’t “voting” on anything. You’re signaling that people may join your network.
Animated gif that displays its own md5 hash: shells.aachen.ccc.de/~spq/md5.gif pic.twitter.com/jHBmP801XL
@amredman There’s no single source of documentation; if you google it you’ll find a wide variety of opinions and analyses.
@chrismalmo You’re going to have a really hard time trying to figure out the “cost per transaction” when off-chain solutions become the norm
@phildaian Rejections are happening 1 week after I stop rebroadcasting. Though technically someone else could be rebroadcasting…
I thought most nodes should remove unconfirmed tx from mempool after 72 hours but I’m seeing network reject “double spends” 10 days later…
Energy expended mining is /not/ a “cost per transaction.” It’s the amount of security for which ecosystem is paying. https://t.co/21kt0YaCUE
@ollekullberg @theonevortex Yeah, though politics in Bitcoin is different from traditional politics. A slim majority can’t force a minority.
@theonevortex It’s hyperbole - in a large enough group, there will be a few outliers.
When a technical debate turns political / philosophical: pic.twitter.com/1fMd5IAjXU
lopp Bitcoin transaction fee estimation is a goldilocks problem wrapped in a future prediction enigma shrouded by a miner mystery.