The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

March 14th, 2017

@josephjpeters @TaylorGerring As far as I can tell @gavinandresen is uninvolved in the actual BU development process

via Twitter Web Client

TriangleBitcoin We’re honored to have @zooko speak about @zcashco on April 4th! The event will be livestreamed (link on meetup)

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 7:26 PM, Mar 14th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

Disappointed to see doctored image (left) in @GAndrewStone’s post about a BU vulnerability. Doesn’t even sum to 100…

via Twitter Web Client

@desantis @kristovatlas Bitcoin Core uses the same mechanism for banning misbehavior peers, so I’m not sure why this matters.

via Twitter Web Client

@desantis @kristovatlas Um, what’s the point? If a BU node has been patched to ban you, they no longer have the crash vuln.

via Twitter Web Client

@paddyncl A single bug like this can only take down the implementation containing the bug.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to paddyncl

@desantis Anyone using the exploit wouldn’t be able to use it against nodes to which they couldn’t make a direct connection.

via Twitter Web Client

@Excellion No need to be so negative. Look at the bright side: it’s a security feature. You can’t be attacked if you’re offline. 💍🏻

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Excellion

Greg Maxwell claims vulnerabilities in Bitcoin Unlimited more severe than the one used to crash 70% of nodes today.

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@Ethan_Heilman @kyletorpey @kristovatlas AFAIK, BU has not implemented an Ethereum-style auto-update feature so I’d say it’s proof of PoC.

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Keep an eye on the Bitcoin Unlimited node charts. Someone may have begun exploiting the crash vulnerability.…

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@least_nathan @alistairmilne Tough one b/c only devs really care and complexity is relative / subjective. Aerospace code is pretty complex.

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@kristovatlas Looks to me like a GET_XTHIN command + a non-XTHIN inv.type will crash here

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Side effect of insufficient collaboration during peer review process. Only one reviewer on the pull request.

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@least_nathan @alistairmilne I suppose you could argue that harming fungibility of anyone harms fungibility for everyone.

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@BitcoinBelle @Twitter Ah, to be clear I meant the people you follow yourself. So you can decide if you should unfollow high noise accounts.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to BitcoinBelle

When viewing the @Twitter “following” user list, would be helpful if you could sort accounts by tweet volume to help determine signal/noise.

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@alistairmilne Ideally, every soft fork regardless of if it benefits you. Example: few people use P2SH but entire business are built on it.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to alistairmilne

If you want to see progress in Bitcoin’s evolution, you should support any change that doesn’t harm you.

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My favorite underrated @brave feature: ability to hover over a tab and get temporary focus w/o clicking on it. Helpful when many tabs open.

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