@josephjpeters @TaylorGerring As far as I can tell @gavinandresen is uninvolved in the actual BU development process https://t.co/kQYVkKxXc3
TriangleBitcoin We’re honored to have @zooko speak about @zcashco on April 4th! The event will be livestreamed (link on meetup) meetu.ps/e/CvNGv/5nnm4/d
Disappointed to see doctored image (left) in @GAndrewStone’s post about a BU vulnerability. Doesn’t even sum to 100… https://t.co/SVAiSwCOMV
@desantis @kristovatlas Bitcoin Core uses the same mechanism for banning misbehavior peers, so I’m not sure why this matters.
@desantis @kristovatlas Um, what’s the point? If a BU node has been patched to ban you, they no longer have the crash vuln.
@kristovatlas @Ethan_Heilman @kyletorpey Exploit PoC: https://t.co/8voXUxzcMP
@paddyncl A single bug like this can only take down the implementation containing the bug.
@desantis Anyone using the exploit wouldn’t be able to use it against nodes to which they couldn’t make a direct connection.
@Excellion No need to be so negative. Look at the bright side: it’s a security feature. You can’t be attacked if you’re offline. ðŸ’ðŸ»
Greg Maxwell claims vulnerabilities in Bitcoin Unlimited more severe than the one used to crash 70% of nodes today. https://t.co/UsEUKMGLQH
@Ethan_Heilman @kyletorpey @kristovatlas AFAIK, BU has not implemented an Ethereum-style auto-update feature so I’d say it’s proof of PoC.
Keep an eye on the Bitcoin Unlimited node charts. Someone may have begun exploiting the crash vulnerability.… https://t.co/9EPSmgDKqE
@least_nathan @alistairmilne Tough one b/c only devs really care and complexity is relative / subjective. Aerospace code is pretty complex.
@kristovatlas Looks to me like a GET_XTHIN command + a non-XTHIN inv.type will crash here https://t.co/OnqxkSBYdO
Side effect of insufficient collaboration during peer review process. Only one reviewer on the pull request. https://t.co/o5A8Imlp1s
@least_nathan @alistairmilne I suppose you could argue that harming fungibility of anyone harms fungibility for everyone.
@BitcoinBelle @Twitter Ah, to be clear I meant the people you follow yourself. So you can decide if you should unfollow high noise accounts.
When viewing the @Twitter “following” user list, would be helpful if you could sort accounts by tweet volume to help determine signal/noise.
@alistairmilne Ideally, every soft fork regardless of if it benefits you. Example: few people use P2SH but entire business are built on it.
If you want to see progress in Bitcoin’s evolution, you should support any change that doesn’t harm you.
@furziadmi @WhalePanda @aantonop @kyletorpey @bitcoincoreorg @thebitcoinfeed @TuurDemeester Hang on folks, it’s time for some game theory!
My favorite underrated @brave feature: ability to hover over a tab and get temporary focus w/o clicking on it. Helpful when many tabs open.
@brianchoffman @drwasho Any blockchain will do.