@kyuupichan @BitGo 🤣
@jgarzik Users yes, but miners not so much - in a soft fork miners must still opt-in. For a hard fork, miners and users must opt-in.
@BTCarchitect Well that’s ominous!
When you change Bitcoin’s rules, best you can do is leave current rules behind & hope others follow. Forcing others is like pushing a rope.
@brianchoffman @rusty_twit For now, yes. Explanation: https://t.co/pB7t3jwoJ2
RT @rusty_twit: I just published “Miners and Bitcoin Lightning†https://t.co/tKVa72yCIa
@YangTerrence To be clear, my article is not targeted for the average user. Eventually avg user shouldn’t have to know anything about BTC.
RT @BitGo: BitGo’s approach to handling a hard fork: https://t.co/i3IRg7Ow9j
@YangTerrence Already got you covered right here: https://t.co/qq1wHVuNiP
RT @alexbosworth: “You fought in the blocksize wars?” Yes I was once a Bitcoin Wizard, the same as your father https://t.co/ugn3dUbN37
Sure, there’s a great deal of fear, uncertainty, and drama in the world of cryptocurrency. But on the bright side, the memoirs will be epic.
@xchrisnoonanx OK? Caution is warranted in crypto systems; Bitcoin isn’t your average web app.
@xchrisnoonanx No one can stop anyone from writing and running code 😀
@seweso Miner incentives are aligned with the economy, yes. But that has nothing to do with Nakamoto Consensus.
Fact: early Bitcoin versions had lots of bugs.
Fact: run $20B 2017 Bitcoin network on 2009 quality code and you’re gonna have a bad time.
@digitsu “Byzantine fault tolerance can be achieved if the loyal (non-faulty) generals have a unanimous agreement on their strategy.”
@jgarzik Don’t hard forks also rely upon miner enforcement of new rules?
@haq4good @alansilbert @BitcoinErrorLog @LarryBitcoin Open to interpretation, but I read @Falkvinge as saying “miners decide the rules.”
Nakamoto Consensus solves Byzantine General’s (coordination) problem. It’s not a solution for Generals who disagree on coordination goals.
@ryanxcharles Exactly. Which is why from time to time it may become necessary to remind some miners who pays them.
@haq4good @alansilbert @BitcoinErrorLog @LarryBitcoin @Saucerys @nopara73 @Falkvinge The BG problem assumes that th… https://t.co/OUqmGltnuW