The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

March 15th, 2017

If you’re offended when I say “we” then you should just move along - I clearly wasn’t talking about you. Onward!

via Twitter Web Client

RT @brianchoffman: I just published “Cypherpunk tears are shed for Bitcoin”

via Twitter for Android

@Aquentson @bitcom21 @ryanxcharles My scaling views have been the same for past two years. It’s not black and white.

via Twitter Web Client

@Aquentson @bitcom21 @ryanxcharles If you want to increase your credibility, recognize and avoid stating speculation and slander as fact.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Aquentson

@k9ert Neat! That’s definitely doable if all the stats you want are available via RPC. With Statoshi I wanted to expose internals of nodes.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to k9ert

@GeminiDotCom @jrmoreau If you begin your tweets with the user’s name, they won’t get broadcast to all of your followers.

via Twitter for Android in reply to GeminiDotCom

@Aquentson @ryanxcharles A “Bitcoin Core attack?” Proof of attacker’s identity, please.

via Twitter for Android in reply to Aquentson

@JihanWu @Satoshi_N_ 忌寒您好,硬分叉对你来说可能很简单,但是对社区其他成咘并不简单. 如果感兴趣可以私下聊.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to JihanWu

@Beautyon_ @jamesldamico @bitcoinyuri Yes, as I covered my latest @coindesk article there are cult-like properties at play.

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Wanted: a service / daemon that checks all your historical blog posts daily and notifies you when a link breaks.

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@BrantlyMillegan I clarified my views on forum moderation/censorship here:

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On a related note, if you get an email from “@BitGo” asking you to deposit BTC into an address starting with a 1…

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@LarryBitcoin @rauchg Those are all valid concerns that I share, but it doesn’t mean BU as a concept is impossible a la “flat earth.”

via Twitter Web Client in reply to LarryBitcoin

@LarryBitcoin @rauchg Please don’t waste my time with rhetoric.

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@1cyrilblanc1 @weedcoder @bitcoinyuri OK. Word of advice, though - you can make arguments without being so aggressive / negative.

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@LarryBitcoin @rauchg What are BU proponents claiming that is analogous to a “flat earth” argument?

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@1cyrilblanc1 @weedcoder @bitcoinyuri It looks like the wikipedia author confused tamper evidence with modification resistance.

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@1cyrilblanc1 @bitcoinyuri “Immutability” is hard to define. But no, not every use case needs Bitcoin’s security.

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@bitcoinyuri I suspect they are a mix of scammers and victims. But they’re not a part of the Bitcoin community; we aren’t engaging them.

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@1cyrilblanc1 @bitcoinyuri A blockchain is just a data structure. Its other properties depend upon your use case and threat model.

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@1cyrilblanc1 @bitcoinyuri Who’s “redefining blockchain?”

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@bitcoinyuri Not saying you should respect the opinion of idiots. Saying stereotyping an entire group as such is detrimental to discourse.

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@rauchg Not necessarily; some see it as a way to resolve the gridlock of the current debate. It’s an act of frustration.

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Honest humble hardworking people are on both sides of scaling debate. Also on both sides: dishonest malicious trolls. Focus on the former.

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@ErikVoorhees @rogerkver Reddit divided into fiefdoms; I suggest seeking the Tao of Bitcoin instead of getting upset

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@slushcz Not bad, though I’d say that this type of problem is begging to be solved with a MapReduce job - would be much more performant.

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@Zonacats1 @jimmysong If BU gets > 50% hashrate then supporters may begin contemplating a HF.

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@jimmysong You mean off-chain solutions that don’t require SegWit, right?

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@btc_joe My thesis is that because this is a political / personal issue now, the technical merits don’t make much difference.

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@poutintsev There are political and personal reasons. Also, BU gives more power to miners, thus it’s tantalizing.

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5) As such, expect that the stalemate will be broken by one side, either via a hard fork or a user activated soft fork.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to lopp

4) I suspect that neither Core nor Unlimited will reach their original desired hashrate targets.

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3) Unlimited supporters will become increasingly incensed due to feeling that they are victims of attacks from “the other side.”

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2) SegWit supporters will become increasingly frustrated that miners are running unreliable software in production.

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1) As more Bitcoin Unlimited vulnerabilities are exposed, the rift between the “sides” of the block size debate will widen.

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@ARKblockchain @21 Node counts are tricky; a lot of people don’t realize that Bitnodes only counts reachable nodes accepting incoming conns.

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