JayNakai Massive fire in downtown #Raleigh tonight. I hope everyone in the adjacent buildings is okay pic.twitter.com/33hxBjR4VD
@santisiri @masonic_tweets My understanding is that Linux was pretty soapy back in the day.

@VinnyLingham @masonic_tweets @manipuflation To the ground! pic.twitter.com/Ji59oWgTUZ
@BlockInTheChain @Satoshi_N_ @hacknoid @jgarzik Sounds like you’re passionate about this; I’d recommend that you write about it.
@BlockInTheChain @Satoshi_N_ @hacknoid @jgarzik Can you link me to said false claims?
@BlockInTheChain @Satoshi_N_ @hacknoid @jgarzik I see. Do you agree that you don’t get to choose what Bitcoin is for other people?
@BlockInTheChain @Satoshi_N_ @hacknoid @jgarzik I acknowledge that you feel like your vision of what Bitcoin should be is in danger.
@BlockInTheChain @Satoshi_N_ @hacknoid @jgarzik Calling devs “attackers” b/c you disagree is perspective, not incontrovertible truth.
@BlockInTheChain @Satoshi_N_ @hacknoid @jgarzik Spewing dogma won’t help move us forward. https://t.co/T5a7Pmpttj
@Support It would be quite helpful if there was a setting to auto-mute replies from non-muted accounts to muted accounts that mention me.
@Satoshi_N_ Twitter polls should be taken with a few pounds of salt.