The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

March 21st, 2017

Latest Bitcoin Unlimited code patch replaces many instances of “assert()” w/ “DbgAssert()” to avoid those pesky crash-causing sanity checks.

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@gubatron Isn’t it a lot harder to mine blocks when your node has crashed?

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@digitsu @brucefenton’s point was regarding how a node determines the “correct” chain; cumulative work is but one of many checks.

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@MadBitcoins Caveat: good luck spending separately between chains without replay protection software.

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@brucefenton Yep, “most work” chain is more accurate, but /even then/ only when referring to compatible chain forks that follow same rules.

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@bitrated Wouldn’t that mean no more escrow services?

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@LarryBitcoin @giacomozucco More polite people ask “what’s your acceptable depth?”

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.@bitrated lays out principles for dealing w/chain forks, vows to shut down if an Emergent Consensus fork prevails.

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@alansilbert SegWit supporters should tap him as a spokesman to tout transaction malleability fixes. 🙃

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@twobitidiot Why is chaos imminent? I doubt whales use Circle.

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@badslinky In the event that occurred I’d probably evaluate BitcoinEC

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@drwasho Indeed, enterprises can afford that cost. But I like to think that Statoshi has value for users & developers. Can I charge for it?

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I’m the guy who gets paged in the middle of the night if our infrastructure blows up. I won’t run unstable software.

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@Melt_Dem Because you’re storing BTC with @circlepay and they don’t want to hold it for you?

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Uh oh, is this another Bitcoin Unlimited vulnerability being exploited? H/T @thomaskerin

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@BronxR Are node operators reporting DDOS as opposed to process crashes / exploits? I know DNS amplification attacks have been used in past.

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It appears that a nontrivial number of Bitcoin Unlimited nodes are still struggling to stay online.…

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@TuurDemeester I seem to recall @jratcliff saying that he needs to rewrite his analytics software in order to run it on recent data…

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@ryanxcharles And yet all the electricity in the world can’t make my node accept a block that doesn’t abide by the rules I choose…

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@drwasho Just checked with my VPS host for (@gandibar) and their largest disk is 2 TB for $115 / month. 😞

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RT @coindesk: Ethereum devs had to reel in a highly anticipated app last week, after “significant” bugs provoked security concerns https://…

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RT @acinq_co: LN vaporware is condensing into actual software 😀 Today we are releasing an early version of Eclair €¦

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.@factom Chief Scientist Brian Deery implemented a variation of SegWit on his own, well before SegWit was announced.

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@Kosmatos A BU node operator could lower the default EB config to say, 2MB but that risks potentially get forked off the network…

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@checksum0 To be clear, I’m just trying to define resource bounding in terms that node operators can understand. Good for planning purposes.

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Correction: there’s a message limit of 16 * node’s EB config value. Thus EB of 16 => 256MB

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@ErolKazan indeed, plus bad things would start to happen long before that size was reached.

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@MrHodl @eordano *shrugs* anyone is free to activate it and fork off whenever they want.

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Bitcoin Unlimited max block size is 256MB, raising worst case annual node disk usage from 50 Gigabytes ($1.50) to 13 Terabytes ($400.) 😬

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@MadBitcoins It’s unclear what you’re asking because there is no such thing as “@Blockstream Core”

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