The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

March 13th, 2017

@naval @desantis @venturehacks In many cases you really are investing based upon the people behind the project rather than the tech.

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@LaurentMT …for now. Could very well just be due to inefficiency of voluntary governance system. 😬

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11) You don’t understand Bitcoin, and that’s OK — neither does anyone else. Let’s blaze this trail together!

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10) To achieve the Tao of Bitcoin you must accept that Bitcoin’s very nature is outside of your control.

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9) Bitcoin’s strength comes not from dogmatic beliefs in immutability, decentralization, etc, but from collaboration

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8) Humans look to leaders to guide them through complex issues, thus politicization of Bitcoin changes has led to community fracturing.

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7) Bitcoin is voluntarism in practice; it’s frustrating to people used to more efficient command & control systems.

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6) The “invisible hand” guiding human consensus can’t be defined / predicted / understood; it simply is what it is.

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5) There is no technical aspect of the Bitcoin protocol that can’t be changed if there is sufficient human consensus to do so.

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4) Even Satoshi didn’t fully understand Bitcoin. Many mistakes were made and lessons were learned - sometimes the hard way.

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3) Bitcoin can’t be fully understood b/c it’s not just a technology; it’s a technology that represents something even less tangible.

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2) In my discussions w/”Bitcoin experts” there’s consensus that none of us fully understand every aspect of Bitcoin.

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1) Distilling 10 pages of “Nobody Understands Bitcoin” into 10 tweets:

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@Itnom I think so, and while that could be a long-term concern, the short-term power balance is more affected by who operates equipment.

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@altcoinsking @VinnyLingham @ThisIsNuse I think Vinny’s point is that it’s a free market until it isn’t.

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When even Namecoin is up 150% overnight, you know something’s fishy.

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@VinnyLingham Ah yes, there has been quite a lot of that recently… I suspect the dumps will be epic.

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@VinnyLingham Are you referring to chain forks? What could regulators possibly do to control them?

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Block explorers could save Bitcoin industry folks a lot of grief by classifying malleated txns as such rather than as “double spends.”

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@marco_giglio It’s not perfect, but it’s the best measurement we have.

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My December 2015 prediction that mining will continue to decentralize appears to be holding true.…

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@johanth @bcoinio @_chjj Inspect the coinbase transaction script.

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Congratulations to @bcoinio & @_chjj on the first mainnet block mined with bcoin. Quite the milestone!

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The combined market cap for cryptographic assets is at an all-time high!

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