The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

August 22nd, 2017

@13eanieman In that your style of thinking may drastically change and if you deviate too far from the rest of the c…

via Twitter Web Client

Falling down the Bitcoin rabbit hole is dangerous business. Some folks take a wrong turn & get lost. Best you can do is throw them a rope.

via Twitter Web Client

@BenedictEvans @twobitidiot Simpler and more secure to just buy a dedicated device such as @Yubico

via Twitter for Android in reply to BenedictEvans

Hardcore HODLers are too stoic to sell BTC low & too greedy to sell BTC high. They see limited upside to SODL & unlimited upside to HODL.

via Twitter Web Client

Bitcoin’s long-term survival is more important than its short-term success. Slow robust growth should be preferable to fast fragile growth.

via Twitter Web Client

@olivierjanss You’re making some arguments that centralization is more efficient, which is correct. But FYI, gossip…

via Twitter Web Client

@sangaman @olivierjanss I’d suggest familiarizing yourself w/security models available to Bitcoin users. “Trust the…

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