@13eanieman In that your style of thinking may drastically change and if you deviate too far from the rest of the c… https://t.co/EfNsGGpuVD
Falling down the Bitcoin rabbit hole is dangerous business. Some folks take a wrong turn & get lost. Best you can do is throw them a rope.
@BenedictEvans @twobitidiot Simpler and more secure to just buy a dedicated device such as @Yubico
@The_crypto_kid IDK, ask them?
Hardcore HODLers are too stoic to sell BTC low & too greedy to sell BTC high. They see limited upside to SODL & unlimited upside to HODL.
Bitcoin’s long-term survival is more important than its short-term success. Slow robust growth should be preferable to fast fragile growth.
@olivierjanss You’re making some arguments that centralization is more efficient, which is correct. But FYI, gossip… https://t.co/9porNLoVip
@sangaman @olivierjanss I’d suggest familiarizing yourself w/security models available to Bitcoin users. “Trust the… https://t.co/gEEIY0lJb9