@el33th4xor Yeah @LoyyalCorp is all over that.
@prestonjbyrne Sounds like a better marketed PonzICO @acityinohio
@Aquentson @Satoshi_N_ Not sure if you’re looking to incite drama or if your reading comprehension just needs improving.
@jgarzik @AaronvanW This is dumb, but beware projection. Core twitter account is probably run by one person. Doubt… https://t.co/SOFrHOuIYp
No, I am not available to build a clone of <insert popular crypto asset service>. Innovation or bust!
@el33th4xor @jfnewbery @TheBlueMatt @YangVentures “BSCore” https://t.co/CIbkCZbmWu
Good investment advice from a recently revealed Bitcoin Baron: “when you want to sell, just do the opposite.” https://t.co/29hZ64y4wd
@Beetcoin @Suitpossum @Snyke You can find my recommended Bitcoin educational resources at lopp.net/bitcoin.html
It’s not about the money, it’s about the sound money. https://t.co/tmwV0V3ei8
RT @rusty_twit: I just published “The Consensus Path To A Bitcoin Hard Fork: Part 3†https://t.co/Mh3T5Rh8rB