The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

December 9th, 2017

RT @kyletorpey: Bitcoin price is up more than 10x this year while transactions per day have been mostly stagnant.

Ethereum now doing doubl…

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Will Bulgaria make the smart play and HODL?

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@PaulDeVos7 @compricadev @JackMallers Not necessary but getting your phone ported is just plain inconvenient.

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RT @alexbosworth: If you have Yubikey or other security token, be sure to read this guide from @lrvick -if you don’…

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@RippleBull @nbougalis @JackMallers @projectfi Yeah, just make sure you keep backups of each token so that you can…

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@JackMallers I recommend switching to @projectfi - it’s porting-proof.

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@NairSharan @M_Gauche There’s no point arguing; folks can believe what they want. Though I’d note that while BTC is…

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@johnsonlau01 Sure; “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” applies regardless of how many assets you have.

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@johnsonlau01 Yes, and you’re increasing your risk / exposure by having even more coins in the same software.

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@mangouste22 @TREZOR @LedgerHQ No, those are hardware-backed wallets. They’re safe.

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@21_Million Yeah, hardware wallets are great. It’s the pure software multicoin wallets that are most vulnerable.

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@jonkytron1011 Hardware wallets aren’t prone to the same issues; they are the best option for both high security and ease of use.

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If you store all of your crypto assets in a software-only multi-coin wallet: congratulations, you’ve just created a…

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@flyosity Bitcoin Baron bodyguards are gonna make a killing!

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@prestonjbyrne I have family who are lumber traders - it’s a pretty boring asset class. Imagine if some exciting ne…

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@prestonjbyrne You claim that insane returns are being promised - no one has the power to make such promises. You’r…

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