The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

December 5th, 2017

We’re streaming live with @jimmysong speaking about the antifragile nature of Bitcoin at @TriangleBitcoin!

via Twitter for Android

No one is a “Bitcoin millionaire” unless they own a million BTC.

via Twitter for Android

@rogerkver You probably should have ended that tweet right before the “but.”

via Twitter Web Client in reply to rogerkver

Y’all whippersnappers have it easy. Back in my day you had to convert your bitcoins into shitcoins and risk losing…

via Twitter Web Client

Just had a client ask if we were going to support Lightning. After some back and forth we realized they meant this…

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Looks like somebody’s cashing out the $GBTC premium; it just dropped from ~80% to ~40% premium over BTC.

via Twitter Web Client

@Zonacats1 @jimmysong @TriangleBitcoin Jimmy will be joining us via Google Hangouts tonight. If you want to ask him…

via Twitter Web Client

Tonight at 7 PM EST: @jimmysong explains why Bitcoin refuses to die due to its antifragile properties. The…

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Part 2 of my conversation with @maxkeiser as the @KeiserReport covers the inexorable march toward hyperbitcoinizati…

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There are at least 2 types of wealth transfers occurring in the crypto asset space:
* From fiat holders to crypto h…

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