The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

December 13th, 2017

Is it time to standardize usage of the “bits” denomination? Makes sense to me, @jimmysong!

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@Polymatheus I doubt it; I expect LN to create new utility and value and that miners will benefit from it by collec…

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@CerBTC @cryptostardust Same as with any data; you’ll want to keep backups.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to CerBTC

@CerBTC @cryptostardust There are timeouts, so if you’re operating a LN wallet you’ll want to have an internet conn…

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@connolly_dan @alansilbert @cryptokalamity You can use multiple channels to send funds to a counterparty; these are…

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@EvanSixtin @VitalikButerin @ViaBTC @zooko @jgarzik You sound confused; on-chain BTC fees are unrelated to the valu…

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@alansilbert @connolly_dan @cryptokalamity Lightning Network users can open channels to as many peers as they want.

via Twitter for Android in reply to alansilbert

@EvanSixtin @VitalikButerin @ViaBTC @zooko @jgarzik It’s most certainly not all the same. You’re welcome to make a…

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@Objective_Neo LN wallets will need to push the complexities under the hood in order to make the UX seamless.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Objective_Neo

Claiming that the Lightning Network (a message routing protocol) is centralized is like claiming the Internet is ce…

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@CryptoDec Work has been underway for some time. You can follow @lightning @starkness @rusty_twit @Snyke…

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@firegroup Oh, OK. Guess we can delete all of those “how Bitcoin works” videos then since everyone can just read th…

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@sp3cul8r When you close a channel, you’re taking the most recent transaction and posting it to the blockchain. Nob…

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@sp3cul8r Because they already have the bitcoins - they’re on the Lightning Network. If they need to spend them, th…

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@Snyke @n1ckler It’s not super duper simple but I recommend @jratcliff’s

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The Lightning Network explained in simple terms.

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