The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

December 30th, 2017

@EtnHype This is general advice; I see far too many people wasting their time by feeding trolls.

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Trolls are time thieves; the best defense against time thieves is to cut off their hands by filtering their words s…

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RT @JonhaRichman: New to #Bitcoin? Check out these TOP 5 tips! 🖐️
Make sure to send your thanks to @lopp

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As someone who has been SWATted, the root problem IMO is that law enforcement agencies are allowing themselves to b…

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RT @polemitis: I’m old enough to remember when Bitcoin’s biggest problem was (supposedly) that transaction fees wouldn’t be enough to suppo…

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@PatrickDurling @WhalePanda Slightly less due to another few quirks but yeah.

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@flyosity @Javi In hindsight, perhaps, but the 2 year bear market was rough. Really glad I ended up going full-time Bitcoin a year later.

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@MoodySwitch @WhalePanda Easy; you don’t assign any value to the transaction output. It’s completely valid.

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An unknown miner just learned an expensive lesson by destroying the entire 12.5 BTC coinbase reward for block 501,7…

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