The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

December 23rd, 2017

@ButtCoin @theinstagibbs It primarily depends upon if you like big butts or not.

via Twitter for Android in reply to ButtCoin

People are upset that Bitcoin’s user experience is changing because the rules aren’t changing as it becomes more po…

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@theinstagibbs Consensus not achieved, guess we’re just gonna have to fork!

via Twitter for Android in reply to theinstagibbs

@bradmillscan @brucefenton @BitGo If services aren’t directly feeling pressure from fees to increase their block sp…

via Twitter Web Client

@bradmillscan @brucefenton Well, I’m pleased to report that @BitGo is leading the way in implementing new tech and…

via Twitter Web Client

A question of units: if you have more than 1 BTC then you have:

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@brucefenton Did you know that you can create a single transaction with 11 outputs?

via Twitter Web Client in reply to brucefenton

@dayead I’ve converted most of my BCH to BTC during the pumps. My thoughts on BCH:

via Twitter for Android

@CryptoPusher Bitcoin goes up 1000%: “It’s a bubble!”
Bitcoin corrects and is now only up 700%: “I told you so!”

via Twitter for Android in reply to CryptoPusher

Economist enjoys momentary respite during which violence-backed fiat isn’t crashing relative to permissionless cryp…

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