RT @alexbosworth: LN is a combination of old ideas that people knew held promise but required work to realize. There are just as many unrea…
@diegogurpegui If folks are willing to pay to anchor into Bitcoin, that’s fine with me. https://t.co/4ZXnMNLgBw
Some folks’ outrageous antics have led them to become Bitcoin (in)famous this year. Others speak softly and carry a… https://t.co/7XeqwzPogB
@GeniaMiinko @crypto_doctor_ @eyeone Yep, just tallying up the annual commit metrics from each repo.
@KirinDave I was opposed to it from day 1.
Rest in Peace:
Emergent Consensus, 2016-2017
SegWit2X, 2017-2017
https://t.co/ExILsjIIaG https://t.co/N96i7XwuT9
Due to the record-breaking acceleration of Bitcoin’s hashrate in 2017, the days of work a miner with 100% of curren… https://t.co/4o5K4gjbuD
@murchandamus IMO services that accept BTC deposits should not credit them to the user if the amount is below an ec… https://t.co/ZlCtzomVOW
Bitcoin’s thermodynamic security increased from 3 exahashes per second to 14 exahashes per second in 2017.… https://t.co/nLo8PN3Re0
@MichaWahl By crawling the network and asking all the nodes to which you can connect for info about nodes that have… https://t.co/LKP0mFmj5L
@peeticek Trustlessness / financial sovereignty. https://t.co/jFfeqFf7fv
@MoneyEvil I could see it going several ways. My thoughts: https://t.co/iyBeseF8Ze
The number of listening (publicly connectable) Bitcoin nodes doubled in 2017 to 11,000! Note: it’s estimated that t… https://t.co/XXR4moROUw
@dstadulis @Coindicator Bitnodes is looking at all 10,000+ reachable nodes when listening to block propagation. Min… https://t.co/YGHXf6AT7g
Bitcoin address reuse (which is bad for user privacy) continued its downward trend in 2017. Still a long ways to go… https://t.co/HD2TLy1nN5
@mecampbellsoup @EconEngineer These stats were just looking at the “github commits” activity which also includes upstream merges.
Bitcoin transaction fees relative to the block subsidy increased from 5.7% to 31.7% this year. If fee rates remain… https://t.co/inCcJZkXx2
@Coindicator Network improvements / compact blocks / fast relay networks.
@Mighty_Humanzee The network comes to consensus faster about the current state of the blockchain. A direct impact i… https://t.co/atqtCkA9jo
Bitcoin block propagation time halved again this year after halving last year as well. Average time to reach 50% of… https://t.co/5W8MI8nAgL
RT @lopp: Nailed it. I’m willing to double down and predict that no @bitcoincoreorg backed hard fork activates in 2017. https://t.co/lS1Eo2 
RT @bitfinex: We will be suspending trading in all Chain Split Token (CSTs) at 23:30:00 UTC as we prepare to settle outstanding BT1 and BCC…
@CryptoCalories Right; the OP_RETURN outputs have no value; the transaction that creates them has to spend inputs w… https://t.co/GNp7tmyq0h
@CryptoCalories OP_RETURN outputs don’t burn coins; they have no value associated with them.
@tgnedal It’s a way of embedding arbitrary data in the blockchain and is used by a number of services. https://t.co/xtBaxGfYwm
Countries with the most relative interest in searching for Bitcoin in 2017. https://t.co/Wgrqev6fP7 https://t.co/YXZpK6Oqu2
@chuhnk Not if you view Bitcoin as a trust anchor. https://t.co/4ZXnMNLgBw
@CryptoCalories Yes, more outputs are being created to specifically embed data.
Bitcoin OP_RETURN outputs created in:
2014: 13,000
2015: 655,000
2016: 1,040,000
2017: 2,253,000… https://t.co/2UPLqrhrIT
@flyosity 1) Use every skill and resource I have to make Republicans and Democrats less relevant every passing day.… https://t.co/xgq0LGtTii
@amadeobrands As noted in the tweet, only looking at commits to the low level reference implementation - not every… https://t.co/wZ2f04ENZo
@abzTRDR Indeed, though if you don’t hold the private keys, you don’t actually own the crypto asset. You just have… https://t.co/AFgBrkXBsD
@BKoral713 @eyeone You could look at metrics such as code coverage of automated unit / regression tests. I’m sure t… https://t.co/j1BlG7XSfq
@MarcJasonGrens Bitcoin ABC is bcash.
2) More evidence of bcash wealth consolidation:
15,592 addresses own 70% of all BCH.
17,413 addresses own 61% of al… https://t.co/e9WaiHPeva
1) Bcash’s UTXO set dropped from 50.6M to 41.5M unspent transaction outputs since the August 1 fork, a net loss of… https://t.co/MUUXiz5ecu
@mattpass @polemitis Miners collect transaction fees; the block subsidy is just meant to bootstrap the network whil… https://t.co/IExnz68RPU
@crypto_doctor_ @eyeone One of many factors to look at; I’m not claiming this is the end-all, be-all metric for val… https://t.co/CTf5CRsNpk
Bitcoin’s UTXO set grew from 44M to to 62M unspent transaction outputs in 2017, adding a net new UTXO every 2 secon… https://t.co/lMmqbSco43
@emanuele_r Pretty high: https://t.co/HLmPADsXLY
@Vylkrom @bitxbitxbitcoin Since it forked. https://t.co/rrPFGNiauQ
@m_r_j_smith That’s Bitcoin ABC.
@woonomic No, just a sorting fail on my part.
2017 reference impl commits & merges:
Bitcoin Core: 1,925
Litecoin: 1,298
IOTA: 1,166
Monero: 1,199
Bitcoin ABC: 1,… https://t.co/Z1X4bHpxJc
Protect your @github repositories from being hijacked by securing SSH access and GPG commit signing with a YubiKey.… https://t.co/zYEw024fU9