@TimHedberg_ If Ethereum is the unstoppable platform it claims to be, it shouldn’t matter.
Whether or not Ethereum is classified as a security by a government agency is not what actually matters.
What matt… https://t.co/CUZS2GtimG
Kudos to @Twitter for being candid about this mistake and warning users rather than sitting on it and hoping that t… https://t.co/uOpCCku1Qi
“Bitcoin mining will destroy the environment!”
“Bitcoin will create a deflationary spiral that causes consumption… https://t.co/odrmVFHZNC
“Risk” is just a scary synonym for “opportunity.”
This would make a pretty sweet Fortress of Solitude… https://t.co/w33pmQ2Kr6

@rogerkver @derekmagill “techno-fascists”
“SegWit Justice Warriors”
“Core gestapo”
“developer cult” pic.twitter.com/3xqdSuViI1
@akason77 For a wallet? The simplest secure solution is to just buy a Trezor or Ledger.