The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

May 17th, 2018

@ElMichaelLewis In addition to the block subsidy (newly created coins) miners also collect transaction fees.

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@ElMichaelLewis Mining difficulty adjusts every 2016 blocks. It’s always unprofitable for /some/ miners based upon…

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@cryptigre How many scams can convince folks to part with their bitcoins?

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Hypershitcoinization is a prerequisite for hyperbitcoinization.

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Dynamic membership multi-party signature systems are underrated.

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@johnbyproxy Having a definitive technical document and roadmap requires having an authority who can enforce such d…

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@mark_engelberg @OrcadexNYC The requirements for running a full node vary wildly depending upon your configuration.…

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@mark_engelberg @OrcadexNYC There are some instructions here though it probably isn’t comprehensive.

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@MichaWahl @OrcadexNYC @giacomozucco It sounds like you’re looking at Bitnodes, which IIRC was previously counting…

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@itsmangopeople @Coin_Shark @WhatBitcoinDid Yes, though it’s possible to add more precision. On Lightning Network,…

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RT @OrcadexNYC: On the first episode of our video series “Picture This,” Jameson Lopp (@lopp) explains why everyone should run a full node!…

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@lucas_lclc @giacomozucco @bitcoin_ch Did a double take at first because I read that as Giacomo joining the @Bitcoin_bch board!

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RT @arcalinea: Really glad to learn that @bryan_johnson, the founder of a brain augmentation company, is championing privacy as essential t…

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RT @crypto_voices: Great discussion with @lopp on #Bitcoin. Security and economics. Many current topics covered, come have a listen: https:…

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@WhatBitcoinDid @Coin_Shark Correct; the protocol performs all operations in units of satoshis.

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@Steve_Lockstep @Nouriel Bitcoin incentivizes miners to seek out the cheapest sources of electricity. The cheapest…

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@Nouriel Bitcoin doesn’t care how much you hate it; Bitcoin runs on incentives, not feelings.

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