The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

May 14th, 2018

@gauchoeddy I’m mostly busy doing private events, podcasts, interviews, etc.

via Twitter for Android in reply to gauchoeddy

MarcHochstein “Society in general will benefit if privacy is the default.”

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 4:30 PM, May 14th, 2018 via Twitter for Android)

RT @jimmysong: I just published “Why Blockchain is Hard”

via Twitter for Android

You can find me in the Grand Ballroom East at 3:10 PM today where I’ll be talking with Andrew Poelstra & Johnny Dil…

via Twitter for Android

We now have evidence that Consensus doesn’t scale due to the artificially restricted registration booth size. I for…

via Twitter for Android

@WhalePanda NYC is probably one of the worst places to own a Lambo. IIRC, average speed of traffic is 20 MPH.

via Twitter for Android in reply to WhalePanda

RT @cryptograffiti: Title: The Banks = The Rats
Medium: Rat poison and acrylic on foam core
Location: Berkshire Hathaway NYC office


via Twitter for Android