The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

May 24th, 2018

@Michael_Toth @JackMallers @projectfi @MartyBent It’s by default; you have to set a PIN when you switch to…

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RT @pierre_rochard: The easiest way to take someone’s bitcoins is through social engineering. Promising someone “the next Bitcoin” has been…

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Social engineering scammers continue to hone their craft.

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@brianchoffman They made it quite clear how you should respond 😊

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Never Lambo more than you can afford to rekt.

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@Roman_Latkovic Not caring about it is like not caring that someone was playing poker and lost because there was a…

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@LightCrypto I have no idea - I’m a HODLer, not a trader. All I know is that no amount of market manipulation can relieve me of my holdings.

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“Is the market manipulated?” is a loaded question - of course it is, if you define manipulation as a particular tac…

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RT @lowstrife: 2000 coins sold at market 15 minutes before Bloomberg published article “U.S. Justice Department opens criminal probe into w…

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