@jerrybrito Step 1: solve digital identity.
@tobiasley @D_N_Weiss @JUN_Omise @VitalikButerin Hmmm interesting, though it sounds like you basically get a proxy… https://t.co/E59K7WkdKr
@D_N_Weiss @JUN_Omise @VitalikButerin I don’t dispute that, though I’d certainly dispute that mining is only access… https://t.co/azvVRsfL3J
@JUN_Omise @VitalikButerin How is buying PoW hardware and electricity only accessible to a privileged few but buyin… https://t.co/eCpmcKXgLB
@zooko @mattjustin305 @crypto_voices Right, I was commenting that Zcash users don’t automatically benefit from the… https://t.co/3xqxsqD23l
When Cypherpunks were told in the 1990s that it was illegal to export strong cryptographic algorithms from the US b… https://t.co/ZpDE3wnolu
Whining about the energy expenditure to secure Bitcoin against computational attacks will have no effect. The Bitco… https://t.co/dnrC7tReud
@masonic_tweets @lightcoin DMMS is not referring to wallets, it’s referring to block creation. download.wpsoftware.net/bitcoin/pos.pdf