@CryptoMethasone If you spot any fake Lopps, don’t hesitate to point them out!
If “Jameson Lopp” slides into your DMs asking for money, be sure to ask for a message that’s cryptographically sign… https://t.co/YHgFsO461X
@ForwardInvestor Python; tons of educational courses available for free and it doesn’t require learning how to use a compiler.
@DigitNovaya That’s leverage^2
@jayt87 I suggest shooting for lasagna code.
You don’t get ahead by working hard, you get ahead by working leveraged.
Traditionally this meant employing people… https://t.co/Qu3wILw0H8
RT @CasaHODL: Casa is growing! We’re hiring a Client Advisor thanks to the influx of new Premium Clients we’ve had this year.
You’ll educ…
@jmcorgan What’s the line about bitcoin IOUs being debt tokens with no liquidation preference?
Storing your bitcoin with a custodian does not actually eliminate any of the risks inherent to key management, it j… https://t.co/YVEbaa5L0Q
@DCA_Cryptoz Every “No ____” point you listed is incorrect. All of those risks still exist, as the humans who manag… https://t.co/jopOPWmvsf
If you own more GBTC than actual BTC for which you hold the keys yourself, you’re doing it wrong.
When the cops want to talk to you, use a lawyer firewall. When reporters want to talk to you, use a publicist firew… https://t.co/hXyLA5pntm

When the CFO FOMO hits Bitcoin. pic.twitter.com/AOmBHynDAX