The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

February 5th, 2021

I can’t teach you to be rich.
I can only teach you to not get rekt.

via Twitter for Android

@DBelajevs @CasaHODL @sendwyre @Nneuman It’s not a bug - purchase with debit was removed due the the high failure r…

via Twitter Web App

Nigeria Demands Citizens Have Fun Staying Poor

via Twitter for Android

The key point that detractors don’t seem to grasp:

Bitcoin is not up for debate.

via Twitter Web App

“Scaling Debate” section added to Bitcoin History page. Let me know if I missed any good sources!

via Twitter Web App

@drhex2c If you want to attack Bitcoin, you’ll need more than words. I won’t waste words “defending” against whining.

via Twitter Web App in reply to drhex2c

Bitcoin does not need defense from its believers on the topic of energy consumption. The incentives are aligned and…

via Twitter Web App

In 4 hours I’ll be speaking at TCV Summit.
Talk title: Building Sovereign Businesses
Alternate title: “Fuck You” Ca…

via Twitter Web App

Back in the day I couldn’t PAY folks to talk with me about Bitcoin.

Today I get paid to talk to folks about Bitcoi…

via Twitter for Android