The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

February 15th, 2021

@flyosity 20 years ago Blender was a nightmare. I should do a comparison to see how it has evolved.

via Twitter for Android in reply to flyosity

@NeerajKA dammit neeraj are you stalking me

via Twitter Web App in reply to NeerajKA

The “Greater Fool” theory that many critics apply to bitcoin’s exchange rate is actually the “Castle in the Air” th…

via Twitter for Android

RT @csuwildcat: Bitcoin uses less energy than clothes dryers, yet you don’t see all these disingenuous hypocrites talking about how they ca…

via Twitter for Android

RT @lopp: @Balzamic3 @BTC_JackSparrow Looks like the two blocks were 106 minutes apart, which is very rare.

If my math is right, exp(-106/…

via Twitter for Android

@Balzamic3 @BTC_JackSparrow Looks like the two blocks were 106 minutes apart, which is very rare.

If my math is ri…

via Twitter Web App

If you try to build Bitcoin Core on a 7 year old Linux distro you’re gonna have a bad time.

I spent the weekend re…

via Twitter Web App

If this is your feed today, you’re following a bunch of high time preference folks whose advice is liable to get yo…

via Twitter Web App

Great example of how burdensome regulations result in centralization of power which creates systemic risk.

via Twitter for Android