The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

May 19th, 2021

@ThomasEWoods Police aren’t crime preventers, they’re crime historians.

via Twitter for Android in reply to ThomasEWoods


apply to for hacking, mentoring, workshops, discussions on b…

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@johnfinkelste11 Bitcoin mining is powered by incentives, not narratives.

via Twitter for Android in reply to johnfinkelste11

@TheTomofBomb Beating a dead horse is not going to help with adoption. Bitcoin runs on incentives, not feelings.

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@cedricloneux Nah. Debating is the real waste of energy.

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The cult of people who believe that in order for digital money to be sound, it must be open source.

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PUBLIC NOTICE: stop inviting me to debate Bitcoin’s energy consumption.

I reject your premise.

There is no debate.

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RT @jamesob: In good news today, my bechmarks finally finished: @pwuille’s updates to libsecp256k1 look to have sped up Bitcoin Core’s vali…

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Broke: trade based upon the latest opinions of public figures.

Stoke: slowly steadily stealthily stack sats.

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blood in the streets
bull in the sheets

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