@crypto_bobby @hectorr159 Looks like someone has not learned his lesson. https://t.co/JXQVA2cw2N
RT @michael_saylor: We have upgraded the #Bitcoin Websites section of https://t.co/kZl3k7Tm4h with links to bitcoin-intro, End the FUD, 10…
no blue check for @bitcoin because what the fuck would that even mean https://t.co/cLwQMD37mt
Fiat, fiat, every where,
And all the yields did shrink;
Fiat, fiat, every where,
The masses get hoodwinked.
Everybody knows it’s not sustainable to spend more than you earn.
Except for politicians.
@GoingParabolic Turns out there’s a simpler option! https://t.co/GuPDOlLI9y
@Mandrik Ah I didn’t know it was an option - I see it’s under “accessibility” - huzzah!
The Android update that removes the back button from the bottom bar and makes “swipe right” the new “go back” gestu… https://t.co/jfv4sSZEqy
The Bitcoin blockchain is a fascinating data set in which many secrets are hiding in plain sight. You just have to… https://t.co/nfG7s2YLuN