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@Excellion Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon
Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon
Yesterday I woke up sucking a le…
@meshcollider @jlppfeffer Thanks Samuel, can’t wait to see what you work on next!
@DanDarkPill Sup with these new PFPs adopted by the faketoshi cult?
@CasaHODL I’ll be HODLing for an unknown length of time.
@CGDMedici Tricky one. On one hand it’s poor opsec, on the other it’s saying “don’t bother attacking me.”
RT @lopp: @saylor Be ungovernable.
“You can dramatically extend your life - not by multiplying the number of your years, but by expanding the fullness…
@CobraBitcoin What if I set up a citadel in international waters?
@CryptoCobain Any price under a penny per sat is a gift.
@saylor Be ungovernable.
@DanDarkPill Is that the circlejerk biscuit?