@nic__carter ser none of us can see that because he blocked us all
@greg_not_so They can educate themselves at https://t.co/8ZsrcEwSfa - I’ve already done a lot of the legwork compil… https://t.co/FL2vrufjoI

I think you don’t understand the point of cryptocurrency. pic.twitter.com/DC6gq3eZH8
@csuwildcat Amassing followers does not require being correct. You just have to craft the right narrative and stay on point.
“Savings,” more like “losings” amirite? https://t.co/bRaJFr6qWX
Imagine keeping your savings in cash because you’re risk averse.

2021 on Bitcoin Twitter
H/T @wullon pic.twitter.com/dsCWW7EjQw

There were 101,000,000 tweets containing the word “bitcoin” in 2021 - 350% the volume of 2020. H/T @wullon pic.twitter.com/c9NhwWQCbH