The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

April 2nd, 2023

It is because Bitcoin can be so many things to so many people that it has gained widespread interest and adoption……1r

via Hypefury

@twobitidiot NRA is a bullshit industry focused organization.

GOA is the real deal that actually cares about individual users.

via Twitter for Android

Point of view: you got triggered and report one of Elon’s tweets as being offensive or misleading.

via Twitter for Android

@rowancheung This rule (point 9) is being misinterpreted by a ton of folks. My analysis can be found here:…

via Twitter for Android in reply to rowancheung

@Zeneca @punk6529 Glad you found it insightful. It’s certainly relevant and interesting that each new “generation”…

via Twitter Web App

At the risk of overgeneralizing, I bet the military’s big problem is that their target demographic is poor people…X8

via Twitter for Android

lopp If Bitcoin is a new form of life:
* Electricity is its food
* The Internet is its circulatory system
* Miners are…Bn

via Hypefury (retweeted on 3:56 PM, Apr 2nd, 2023 via Hypefury)

@MrWileEth The two are not incompatible; Satoshi was not around long enough to explore many of the potential…E9

via Twitter Web App in reply to MrWileEth

You shouldn’t like Bitcoin simply because Elizabeth Warren hates it. You should like Bitcoin because people who…7w

via Twitter for Android

The reason I’m in BTC is that I have no clue what’s going on in fiat but I know exactly what’s going on in Bitcoin.

via Twitter for Android

What could go wrong if we find AI chatbot technology so useful that it becomes a ubiquitous crutch? I explore one…ex

via Twitter Web App