Latest bucket list addition: ride a motorcycle on ice with metal studded tires.
@pmarca The sad part is that today Mt. Gox has further solidified the use of “Goxxed” as a verb. Hoping that this is a Gox death knell.
@moolah_ch I was sent to when I confirmed my email subscription via the mailchimp link
@StefanGoodspeed @drewpotential Can you clarify how one classifies a carry as intentional vs unintentional?
@moolah_ch Just a heads up that your SSL certificate for doesn’t match (it’s for - you need dedicated certificate
Wow. Such innovation. Very currency. Much ease of payment. Kudos @moolah_ch
@DavidShares @jgarzik And those people have hopefully learned a valuable lesson: don’t trust money to Magic The Gathering Online Exchange
@johnjoseph And Bitcoin exchanges FTW
CoinToolbox @MtGox now removed from our list of #Bitcoin exchanges since they no longer facilitate the withdraw of Bitcoins:
@emilepetrone They stuck themselves there. Their continued willful ignorance and incompetence borders on malice.
The sooner Gox implodes into the annals of Bitcoin history, the better off we’ll all be.
Bitcoin Finally CoinDesk Remove Mt. Gox from the Bitcoin Price Index #ThankYOU
cryptocoinchart removed @MtGox from cryptocoincharts because they are harming the whole cryptocoin community
@beantraders @gigq Bitcoin is the future of payment processing. Let me know if you want more info.
@jonmatonis Please ask Karpeles to resign. FUD spreading is unacceptable.
@flyosity Big sale. Lopp Holdings converted its remaining fiat to BTC @ $602.
@aantonop @jonmatonis Hear, hear!
@BryceWeiner @hjon0000 I think we’ve seen the bottom. The FUD is being overwhelmed by the truth.
@lisawwaters @aantonop Sometimes I wonder if Gox realizes that it’s not cut out for the big leagues and wants to slowly die off.
@feulf @aantonop it’s not a new bug. Just a known weakness that any decent wallet handles on its own.
@aantonop Gox is willing to damage the reputation of the entire Bitcoin ecosystem, so they don’t have to take the blame for crappy coding.
@aantonop Soooo referring back to - Would you say that their recent press release constitutes bad faith?
@jgarzik Gox is willing to damage the reputation of the *entire* Bitcoin ecosystem, so *they* don’t have to take the blame for crappy coding
@barrysilbert Sorry Barry, I ran out of fiat after this morning’s buying opportunity.
@drewpotential Ask any baller, any REAL baller, and they’ll tell you a carry is a carry. /cc The Captain
jgarzik The #bitcoin protocol and network are just fine today. Let’s not over-react about a technical issue in one custom implementation.
This is the buying opportunity that Lopp Holdings LLC has been waiting for. All in, baby! #Bitcoin