I’d like to say R.I.P. MTGOX, but it has this pesky history of coming back from the dead…
@pmccall777 Some of them are probably just naive, though some of them may be hopeful because exchange bailouts have happened before.
@binarybits Seems to be a simple press releast about trust.
@binarybits They actually removed the word “insolvent.” But sure, people have been speculating that for some time.
@pmccall777 Ha, you mean… Gox? A single exchange?
@twobitidiot how about this: never post again until you come to us with proof.
@BenDoernberg @twobitidiot “A leak in the hot wallet” makes no sense as an explanation.
@twobitidiot Oh come on, now. You’re seriously telling people to dump their coins based upon an unverified report?
@PierreCPA @Bitstein @DanielKrawisz @CathyReisenwitz Ahhhhhh. Well, I think you can tell from my profile background that we won’t get along.
@PierreCPA @Bitstein @DanielKrawisz @CathyReisenwitz Wow, you must not hang out on the Internet very much. It’s Internet slang.
@Bitstein @PierreCPA @DanielKrawisz @CathyReisenwitz You guys sure enjoy circlejerking each other. I have plenty of skin in this game.
@PierreCPA @DanielKrawisz @CathyReisenwitz @Bitstein You: Bitcoin is best thing ever and forever. Me: Bitcoin is best thing ever… for now.
@PierreCPA @DanielKrawisz @CathyReisenwitz @Bitstein Yes, you can make predictions. I’m saying that you’re stating predictions as fact.
@PierreCPA @DanielKrawisz @CathyReisenwitz @Bitstein I hope that you are correct, but the fact remains that no one can predict the future.
@PierreCPA @DanielKrawisz @CathyReisenwitz @Bitstein You can’t possibly account for unknown unknowns.
@DrRoyMurphy You lost me. Are the contributors who mine pre-public release mining a test blockchain?
@aantonop So they say, but I haven’t seen any chatter or progress made on floating fees in months…
@aantonop @RedditBitcoin Bah. I thought this was going to be floating fees finally making it in. This is but a bandaid centralized solution.
@DrRoyMurphy And trust me, you don’t want to be known as a premine coin because that’s the quickest way to get shunned by the community.
@DrRoyMurphy Looked at your kickstarter and it worries me that you’re selling slots for mining. This will get you labeled as a premine coin.
@LittleShibe Yep, “unintended consequences” == “problems”
1) Solve a problem with regulations / laws
2) Discover unintended consequences
3) GOTO 1
@DanielKrawisz @CathyReisenwitz @Bitstein Could be tomorrow, could be decades from now. All it takes is some nerd hacking away in a basement
@CathyReisenwitz @DanielKrawisz @Bitstein Current alt-coins not being innovative enough to gain adoption is not proof that Bitcoin is safe.
@CathyReisenwitz @DanielKrawisz @Bitstein’s linked article is correct but for aspects of current alt-coins. Can’t predict future innovation.
@etploshay @CathyReisenwitz @BitcoinMagazine But we need innovation. Successful alt-coin innovation will be merged into Bitcoin if possible.
@etploshay @CathyReisenwitz @BitcoinMagazine I see them as competition, but most altcoins are insubstantially innovative. Most will die.
@mikestable NSA LOLs http://t.co/mHKZflsRdY
@emilepetrone @lukejduncan Likely, but that’s a huge oversimplification since BTC miners also secure the integrity of the entire network.
@lukejduncan @emilepetrone Interesting that Bitcoin’s energy usage is never compared to that of the existing financial system, no? :-P
@lukejduncan @emilepetrone It’s not an algorithm that promotes “inefficiency,” it’s an algorithm that promotes “computational strength.” :-)
@binarybits It may simply be to the influx of non-gox traders buying goxcoins because they’re willing to make that bet.
@twobitidiot You’d think that The Economist would understand that market cap != all the value put into the system.
RT @aantonop: My second article on bitcoin trust and security is published
Bitcoin: An Anti-Fragile Network
@emilepetrone Gets even more complex b/c the network self-adjusts the mining difficulty as more computational power comes online.
@emilepetrone Though note that # of people mining / machines mining is not = N. Pooled mining makes N a much lower number.
@emilepetrone N = number of miners? Yes, because they are all starting a massive new parallelized race every block (~10 min)
@emilepetrone @lukejduncan I recommend that you read this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hashcash
@lukejduncan @emilepetrone I hold great hopes for @ZerocoinProject
@DaangMel I would start here: https://t.co/X2nxMo03BK - I have more resources listed on my site at https://t.co/V34A6R1EPN
@AbbeyGaboriault I would start here: https://t.co/X2nxMo03BK - I have more resources listed on my site at https://t.co/V34A6R1EPN
@curtofranklin I would start here: https://t.co/X2nxMo03BK - I have more resources listed on my site at https://t.co/V34A6QJvBF
@sriportfolio The exchange rate of Bitcoin is determined by the free market on various exchange services that operate 24/7.
@billbren I would start here: https://t.co/X2nxMo03BK - I have more resources listed on my site at https://t.co/V34A6R1EPN
@RichardPPhilbin Mt Gox is not a real exchange at the moment because it does not allow withdrawals. Steer clear of Mt Gox.
@DrRoyMurphy Whoa. 10 second blocks? Doesn’t that cause issues due to tx propagation time?
@mysizelindsey1 ermegerd this show is starting to piss me off. People who survived a zombie apocalypse wouldn’t be making noob mistakes.