The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

April 29th, 2014

@BitRazvan @CoinChomp Thanks! I hope it is just the beginning :-)

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@mikestable I believe that your followers will appreciate this:

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I don’t invest in Bitcoin because I think it will create a utopian society. I do so because the rise of free market finance is inevitable.

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@mikestable @jefft See what @Jimlemm can accomplish when you let him double fist ?

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RT @ideoforms: new generation of the airpi out now, multipurpose raspberry pi shield to sense all sorts of atmospheric conditions: https://…

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NTmoney The @MIT coin drop is the first major drop, but won’t be the last

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RT @balajis: This fall, every MIT undergraduate gets a grant of $100 in BTC to build the future of money. #MITBitcoin

via Twitter for Android